Monday, July 28, 2014

Pray as you go website and app

There is quite an interest in Australia in the area of mindfulness at the moment. This is something I am quite interested in, particularly the area of mindfulness withing the historical Christian tradition, which is ironically often at odds with popular Christianity (ie: the kind that is often found in the media and often for all the wrong reasons.)

My friend and colleague Christop Booth was facilitating a reflection for our staff retreat a few weeks ago. He was leading us through a reflection on the contemplative life.

One of the many things he covered was a great little resource that I have been using since then. It took me a while to find it, so I thought I would share it with you. It is an app (and a website) called “Pray as you go.
It is based on the Ignatian way of praying and follows the Roman Catholic lectionary.

If you know your Myers Briggs profile, Ignatian Spirituality works really well for ISTJ, ESTJ, ISFJ and ESFJ types.

Being an INTJ, it kind of works for me, however I appreciate the thoughtfulness they put into the app and the fact that it is a nice clean Android app that follows the lectionary.

I hope you find it as helpful as I do?

PS - There are some good kids resources available within the app too!

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