After freaking out about what to do post Google Reader, two organistions came to my rescue!
Ever since I can remember, I have been using GReader Pro on my phone and tablet as my Google Reader Interface. GReader Pro is solid, has a small memory footprint, has all the power user features you could ask for (including things like reading out articles to you) and as per my workflow setup, lets me easily flick articles to Pocket for reading later (even though it has its own "Save for later" function).
Problem was GReader Pro is a reader and does not host feeds on a web based aggregator. What to do?
Feedly was the most likely candidate for me in terms of web based aggregation, but the client, whilst looking really cool, was just a little too flaky for my liking. I was trying to use and like Feedly but the flakiness factor was too much for me to feel comfortable with it managing my 60 odd feeds and over 3000 news items each week.
I fired up GReader Pro a few days ago to pleasantly discover that GReader Pro now is able to use both Feedly and Good Old Reader as their back end!
So it is like nothing has changed for me! Feedly as my web based aggregator with GReader Pro as my sorter and sifter and finally, Pocket as my reader. Happy camper!
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